Osteoarthritis in Hand and Feet

by Dr. Naseem Arshad

August 3, 2024

In this post we will discuss how to manage osteoarthritis in the hands and feet. Management involves two main approaches: medication and lifestyle modifications, which include changes to daily routines that can help control the disease more effectively.

Osteoarthritis in the feet initially affects the arch of the foot. At this stage, improving your footwear can make a significant difference. Proper footwear can help manage peroneal arthritis and prevent its progression. Always choose comfortable shoes with soft soles that do not cause friction. Opt for shoes with rounded or square toe boxes rather than pointed ones. High heels should be avoided as they can exacerbate symptoms.

Orthotics are also available and can be very beneficial. Your rheumatologist can provide guidance on the best options for you. Toe separators and various tips can help reduce friction and maintain toe alignment. Ensuring a proper fit between your feet and shoes is crucial.

For managing osteoarthritis in the hands, several assistive devices can help ease daily activities. Tools with flexible lids, peelers, Velcro closures, and zippers can make tasks like opening jars or buttons easier. Cold packs or warm water soaks can provide relief. Light exercises performed in warm or semi-warm water can strengthen muscles, lubricate joints, and improve joint health.

We have created videos demonstrating exercises specifically designed for hands and feet affected by arthritis. These exercises are effective for managing osteoarthritis as well. Performing these targeted exercises once or twice a day can significantly improve control over the condition.

Regarding surgery, it is not recommended for cosmetic reasons. Surgery is only considered when there is severe pain or significant functional limitations that impair daily activities. If you have further questions about surgical options, your healthcare provider can offer detailed information and advice.

Dr. Naseem Arshad Rheumatologist Faisalabad

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