Osteoarthritis in Back and Knee

by Dr. Naseem Arshad

August 6, 2024

In this post, we will discuss how to manage osteoarthritis of the knee and back.

Exercise and Osteoarthritis Management

Regular physical activity is crucial for osteoarthritis management. It not only strengthens the legs and supports the joints but also improves pain and stiffness, enhances balance, and reduces the risk of falls. Both stationary cycling and swimming are excellent exercises for osteoarthritis patients. Walking is also beneficial, but it's best to consult your doctor before starting a regular walking routine.

Weight Management for Osteoarthritis Management

Weight loss is highly beneficial in osteoarthritis management. In fact, weight loss can significantly prevent the progression of osteoarthritis. For instance, losing 5 kg of weight can reduce the load on the knee by about 20 kg. Focus on a healthy diet, avoiding foods like sweet rice, greasy refined flour, and processed foods. Portion control is also essential for effective weight management.

Activities to Avoid for Osteoarthritis Patients

Protecting your joints from injury is crucial. Avoid activities such as squatting, bending, climbing stairs, lifting heavy weights, and prolonged walking, like during extensive shopping trips. These activities can cause significant stress and injury to your joints.

Other Factors in Osteoarthritis Management

For mild pain and stiffness, hot and cold packs (either ice packs or hot water packs) can be very helpful. There are also medications available for osteoarthritis, which your rheumatologist will prescribe based on the severity of your condition. In addition to medications, intra-articular injections can help reduce the severity of the disease. In advanced cases, your doctor may recommend joint replacement surgery. If the osteoarthritis is severe and unresponsive to other treatments, joint replacement might be advised.

Dr. Naseem Arshad Rheumatologist Faisalabad

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